31 Days of Self-Esteem – Day 27 – Deliberate Creation

In the last post we talked about holding the vision while taking steps.

Today, we discuss the steps.

And then we put it all together.

When we do that, we come up with none other than the perfect formula for Deliberate Creation.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” Seneca.

Let’s look at how:

  1. Vision is the template.
  2. Thought (your attention to the vision) takes formlessness and creates form using that template.
  3. Action puts you in a place of being able to receive the form when it arrives.

You don’t simply envision the template. Nor do you toss thought out there to create what you are seeking and wait patiently. It’s what you do while you are waiting that puts you on the trajectory to meet your creation. And it is how you have the perfect thing in your hand to trade whoever shows up with your thing, so that it may become yours.

That is deliberate creation.

And it all comes down to now.

Those steps have to happen now.

  1. You can only take action in the present moment.
  2. And the perfect guidance that leads to that perfect action can only be accessed in “real time”
  3. And the only way to access “real time” guidance is to be in alignment.

We have discussed alignment many times. Here and Here are my two favorites.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  1. What are the ways that you get yourself into alignment?
  2. How does it feel when you are?
  3. What do you notice about the world when you have that “flow”?

Keep your answers at the front of your mind and refer to them often. Make alignment part of your daily routine.

The more you practice, the more confident you become in your skills. Confidence (a facet of self-esteem) is a major aspect of deliberate creation. It is what keeps us going, taking those steps, even when we have no tangible evidence of our creation.

Confidence inspires trust.

Trust in ourselves, in our tools, in our Now.

To recap…

Let our vision rest lightly in our mind. Send our thoughts toward it’s creation. Focus fully in the now. Find alignment….and continually reach deeper and deeper into it. Listen for ‘real time’ guidance. Act. Trust.

Happy Deliberate Creating!

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