Day #1 – 17 Day Challenge

MESSAGE: If you are going to do it…and it matters…do it from your point of power.

Thus you are functioning with the advantage of the experience, wisdom and knowing of the eternal part of you.

Alignment first, then action.

So, I typically operate the opposite of this. Things get super clean when I am angry. I tear through the house, righting wrongs, mopping messes and straightening sock drawers. When I get scared, emails get answered, to-do lists get checked off and mountains of paperwork get climbed.

It’s effective. But is it efficient?

Grey hairs sprout. Muscles knot. Blood pressure spikes and the cat hides under the bed.

Then, I have to undo all that with herbs, foam rollers, hot baths, cool music and expensive, smelly cat treats.




Here’s my challenge for Day #1

I am going to turn this around.

Just for today…(tribute to my Reiki rules)

I am going to find my point of power and then act.

For me, that will be a mixture of body/mind/spirit tools that I have gathered along the way.

My Process:

  1. Start my day and end my day with self care

  2. Utilize some techniques to tweak my mental/emotional state to reach peak performance throughout the day.

Here are my favorite methods:



Currently I am engaging the Wim Hof Method of breathing (I have yet to brave the cold)… This method helps me attain a deep state of meditation/relaxation and even a greater performance in physical activities.

Here’s my favorite link.


I have gotten more scientific with my workouts… mixing it up between HIIT, LISS, Strength, and speed, then augmenting it with yoga and copious mobility.

My favorite online teachers are Kelly Starrett at TRS (mobility). He is the author of Becoming a Supple Leopard which changed the entire way I look at exercise. Look him up on Youtube or follow the link to TRS.

Yoga with Adriene. Look her up on YouTube or here’s her website:


I am a massive fan of epsom salt baths…with added essential oils if I am feeling like it. If you have access to a natural mineral spring…even better. Get those minerals into your body!! It relieves soreness, dispels illness and just feels great.

Mental/Emotional Regrouping:

Tapping. There are as many teachers out there as there are students. Find one whom you like and get started. For a general rundown try…

Meridian tracing – there are a plethora videos and blogs and such out there on this. I find it is an excellent reset for my entire energy system.

My favorite teacher is Donna Eden. You can find her at

And as always…the easiest way to get into alignment is through appreciation. Look out the window and see the birds (if they’re not aiming bombs at your car), the flowers, the beautiful blue sky….


Just to be clear….the people above don’t know I exist and I don’t get anything free from them other than what is available to anyone else. I just like them and have achieved great results using their knowledge and expertise.

So…Happy Day One!

Care to join me?

Come up with your own special recipe for alignment and meet me there!

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