Self-Love – Day 3 – Romance Yourself

I am an Activator HealthType in my personalized coaching, therefore I have the most success when things are linked to action. Today is all about the Act of Self-Love.

Let’s get physical!

Almost from the first of the year, with Valentine’s Day in the offing, we begin to see red hearts and fuzzy creatures and smelly flowers everywhere. I think we have a pretty good idea of what commercialized love-actions look like. Buy stuff. Give it to someone. Consume what others give to you.

Giving and receiving are joyous! I love buying stuff for the people I love. And it makes my heart sing to see all the symbols of love decorating storefronts, popping up on computer screens and adorning every commercial surface possible.

That prompts me to ask…

What are the top things that come to mind when you think about acting on your self-love? If you were going to commercialize self-love…how would it look?

Initially, mine looks like the world on Valentine’s day… all fluffy and floral and food.

But then it shifts.

Here’s what I offer for you to try today:

  1. Paint a Picture – You don’t have to get out your paint brushes (but you can!). Picture your self-love Valentine’s Day. If today, you were going to treat yourself like you were newly in love…what would it look like?
  2. Ask – What things…that I do for myself…demonstrate the love that I feel for ME? Okay…so that’s a bit of a complex way to ask. Shorten it, if you like. But ask. Then list.
  3. Congratulate – Pick out the things that you do on a regular basis. For me, I exercise because health is a gift I want to continually give myself. I meditate because my mind matters. Then, every once in awhile I give myself gifts. Like a cup of coffee and half an hour in my rocking chair on the front porch.
  4. Do – Pick one thing on that list that you don’t do regularly and arrange to make it happen. Romance, whether it is with yourself or another, doesn’t just happen. We think, we plan, we follow through. For me? This is a walk through nature. I honestly haven’t done this for probably a year. But there is not much I love more than a walk through the woods or by the river. This is a gift I can schedule for myself.
  5. Hang – I invite you to post this list where you will see it…where you can add to it…where you can remember to make Valentine’s Day happen on a regular basis.

Just to clarify, I am not saying that love is an action…but the simple actions that show love for ourselves make the love tangible. They bring it to the forefront so that we can experience it fully.

I hope you enjoy romancing yourself!

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