Creative Creation – Confession


I admit it. Today I have been fighting judgement. Like all day.

Okay…longer than all day.

It started a couple of days ago. My sister sent me an article where they discussed five reasons why people continue to congregate during quarantine. This was about people hanging out in Central Park. And in that “neighborhood”  (because CP spans several) over half of the residents tested positive for Covid.

Following that, some people I know planned a Sunday outing of several families. Then reported how many others  were out doing the same thing. And then wondered why the cops told them all to get back in their cars.

So the thought goes around and around in my head…

If Covid was a test….humanity failed.

And this is the loop I have been stuck in.


So here I am, trying to find my center. In search of that part of me that knows all is well.

Is there a shred of me that doesn’t want to engage in the right and wrong game?


Isn’t it an okay game to play when lives are at stake?



I know that MY life is the only life that will be affected by my foray into judgement. No one who thinks social distancing only applies to uh…not them…cares what I think.


Negative Emotion keeps you separated from the wholeness that is YOU. The better you feel, the more in tune you are.

Well, I don’t feel good. I feel mad. And disappointed.

That is a good place to start.

Let’s outline a few Steps…

  1. Recognize the emotion behind the rant. Why?
  2. Because then I can ask the question…what am I mad about? And my answer is pretty easy. It goes back to the saying…if someone tells you who they are, Listen! (I am mad because I want them to be different)

    And why am I disappointed? I really believe that at our core, humans are decent, loving and caring. There is very little evidence to support that right now. (Yeah, I used the word believe…even after my rant yesterday)

  3. In steps a bit of logic. These people doing what they are doing (which I think is wrong…) gives me information. Info about specific people in my life and in humanity as a whole. Info feeds knowledge. I have a clearer picture because of these people. And with eyes wide-open and focused, I can see more.
  4. Here comes appreciation – I am all about honesty. People acting true to themselves makes navigating life’s pathways much easier. And offers me a very clear picture about what kind of human I choose to be.
  5. We’re almost there!
  6. One step further and we are in full-blown gratitude. I am so happy that we live on a planet full of such diversity where everyone can be whoever they want to be in any given moment. I am happy for the contrast that shows up in my life to keep me journeying in the direction of my highest and greatest good.

My goal is to be in tune with my SoulMate and that’s a pretty high vibe. Being in a state of gratitude and awe at the way the world operates is definitely right there.

Even though the right and wrong game feeds my anger which feels very powerful. This state of high-flying vibration is so much more powerful. And from this place of power, I can do some much more good for those who might be in danger right now. When I am working with my SoulMate, receiving inspiration and free-forming deliberate creation….I can help make the world a better place. And be that human who, at their core, is decent, loving and caring.

So, if you are looking to get out of the judgement feedback-loop and into the cooperative creation spiral…try the steps above.

Whew! It feels so good to be back in alignment!

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