Healing Home – Pathways

After discussing vibration for the last couple of days, I am inspired to add a word about another form of vibration-based healing. Reiki.

I find that energy work is a fantastic way to bring the body back into alignment….

..at least until they slide off the table and step back into everyday life.


. if I know that my client will return to their starting point the minute they’re gone (or an hour or a day or a week later), why bother?

Just as we carve new neural pathways in the brain to create new habits of thought and action, we carve new pathways of vibration with any type of energy healing.

Stick with me here for a moment.

The Science:

As we learned in the previous posts on Sound and Toning

Science says that different parts of the body vibrate at different frequencies. Take your liver. It’s natural vibe is set before you are born. That is when all of the cells are operating at optimal power and function is ‘perfection in motion’. This vibe resonates with the rest of the body’s individual organs and tissues and such to create overall harmony. Like a top-rate orchestra playing a song.

The Idea:

Fast forward a few weeks, months, years after birth. The body has been subjected to massive outside forces. Food, emotion, EMF, etc. The liver copes as best it can by adaptation. But as it adapts to each new stimuli, it creates a different frequency, which then affects the harmony of the entire organism. Over more time, the liver may fall prey to disease from resonating off-key for so long.


Enter Reiki. For the hour or two a person is on the healing table, the energy helps the body return to it’s natural resonance. I visualize this as sort of an AHA! Moment where the body goes “I remember this…”

The Pathway

And that is a pathway. One back to who we were at our inception. Every time the body is subjected to some form of vibration-based healing, that same pathway is traversed. And, like walking the same trail through a meadow…the grass and the bumps eventually wear away and the path is easier to see and faster to walk.

The Destination

So here is the next part…how long a person stays at that new end point is entirely up to the patient. You’ve heard the saying ‘if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got’. Same rules apply.

If once a year you go to your Reiki practitioner but continue to be “you” the rest of the 364 days, then you’ll return to your “you-state” almost immediately after hopping off the table. However, if you meditate on a regular basis, do a bit of yoga and breath work, maybe toss in some toning when no one is home, add some good things into your diet and work to change a few mental patterns, then your once-a-year trip to the Reiki practitioner will solidify those new habits and help you stay at that natural, healthy resonance longer.

Same thing goes if you go to your Reiki practitioner every week, but don’t change things in between. Reiki alone will make that pathway much easier and help you stay there longer, but to make the change permanent, elements of your lifestyle need to shift as well.

Overall, any form of energy healing or vibration-based healing will help create new pathways to health. The more you engage, the faster the new state of health becomes the new norm.

And then you can reach for an even greater state of health!

Happy Healing!

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