What is Longevity?

A Story

Last week I launched my podcast Your Longevity Lifestyle. It’s something that has been in the works for awhile…churning in my brain and calling from my heart. But when I sat down and actually did the setup process, something new came to light.

Yes, mindset and energy and stress are super hot topics that I love to talk about, write about and help others with…but why?

So that we, as humans, can spend more happy, vibrant, enjoyable days partaking of the pleasures of this planet.

My big why is longevity.

Now, I’m a super wordy person so that’s obviously not my entire “why” as it is written. (Of course, on a sticky note, pasted to my computer).


That “why” is what drove me to that small town library on that cold winter day many years ago to pick up my first book on human anatomy.

It’s what drove me to enroll in the personal training program in my 40s.

It’s what helped me find (and cyberstalk for years) the first wellness company that used epigenetics and gene expression to personalize.

And…of course, it’s what now powers everything I do, including this blog and my new podcast, which go hand in hand.

Well, that was a long story.

Now on to today’s question.

What is Longevity?

First of all, why do we need to define it? Because personalization is at the heart of everything that I do. So, we begin by defining our personal view of the subject. Then we can begin to work toward it. It’s like placing your finger on a map. Once you have the destination, you can begin to plan how to get there.

Here’s what it is for me:

I like to begin any new subject by defining what it isn’t…

Longevity isn’t anything you see on TV or Social Media or anywhere else, really.

Longevity isn’t mystical or esoteric.

Longevity isn’t reserved for the select few who practice obscure, expensive bio-hacking techniques. (what’s the deal with that anyway??)

Longevity isn’t the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow or the fountain of youth or a four-leaf clover (read: something you chase your entire life and never find.)

It’s not a quick fix or a pop-a-pill solution or a one-and-done.

Now on to what I believe Longevity IS:

For this, I refer to Dr. Garoli, who is the Chief Medical Officer of ph360, the company that founded the personalization program that powers my coaching.

This is just an approximation of what he shared:

He showed this graph of the human lifespan. It started out yellow which represented the growth phase up til puberty, then went green for the “healthy” adult years, then red for the years where we are alive but not healthy. He said that what our modern lifestyle and medicine has done is shorten the “green” elongate the “red” part. But our goal is to elongate the green and shorten the red.

That is the perfect definition of Longevity for me. Spending more years living that healthy adult life. Being active, mobile and free to take on the world!

So, the short (or not so short) answer is:

Longevity is where we work to stretch the “green”.

The key is to tap into our body’s natural ability to regenerate, balance, replenish, and adapt.

As my podcast says, I believe that longevity stems from lifestyle.

And that leads to the last bit of my belief about the human form and it’s ability to achieve longevity:

Another Story:

When I did my personal training certification, I constantly bantered with my teacher about the resilience of the human body. His hard-and-fast belief was that the human body was like a bicycle. (This stemmed from him being an avid cyclist). With proper, regular care and maintenance you could extend the life of your bicycle, but eventually the parts would wear out and the bicycle would break down.

I argued that a bicycle wasn’t a self-aware, self-healing, self-replicating and regenerating living form, constantly seeking homeostasis. Therefore, you weren’t just working “on” the bike, but “with” the bike’s natural drive for health.

I achieved my certificate without either of us budging on our perspective. But what that good-natured disagreement helped me do was solidify my stance. I sought scientific evidence to back up my gut feelings. And found them bit by bit. I also discovered that I am not the only person on the planet that believes that the human form is so much more powerful and capable that we know.

That’s my definition of Longevity.

Now, I invite you to discover yours.

I don’t have a series of steps for this one. Just one suggestion. Ask yourself… “What is Longevity?” and listen for the myriad ways your heart talks to you.

As I said before, the first step in any journey is to pick your destination.


When you are ready, here are 3 ways we can work together to maximize your time, generate more energy and build more resilience.

Join my new FREE Facebook community for entrepreneurs where we brainstorm, test and adopt new ways to love our lives by regaining our power, resetting our energy and leveling up our resilience. Click Here:

Check out my FREE videos on topics such as “Heart-Centered Decision Making” here:

Or if you’re really keen…

Get in on the ground floor! I am launching the pilot program for a new course called QUALITY. Right now, I am looking for a handful of people to join me for a very reduced price as I test out all of the modules. I’ll give you everything you need and nothing that you don’t. The steps are clear and simple. In just 8 weeks we will:
Drop Guilt and feel your energy rise

Ditch Overwhelm and watch your time expand

Dodge Burnout to future-proof yourself, your livelihood and your life!

All before the “silly season” begins!

For More Information: Click Here:

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